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The 30s are the New 20s and Here’s Why


We begin planning out our lives and future careers at a young age when our imaginations are at its peak. The world is our oyster and the sky is the limit. But as we realize when entering the big 3-0… sometimes life just happens and being practical becomes the new thing. You get a job to pay the bills, buy a home, get married, and before we know it, those dreams we once had become distant memories, seldom thought of again. Woah that was dark, we prefer to think of it as simply being put on the back burner. As we grow in age it is not uncommon to veer off course, but that does not mean the life you once envisioned is gone for good. No matter the age, no matter where you are in life, anything is possible. And to prove that, we have brought in content creator and coffee connoisseur, Ashley Piowlski, who is currently living the life 16 year old Ashley would be proud of, at the age of, wait for it… 32! 

“The last 3 years have been some of the most impactful times in my entire life. My sons father and I were together for 7 years and in 2017 we had our son. About two years later we separated, and let's just say I went in heavy on the growth and personal development. I had just spent my 30th birthday in the harsh realization that I was literally 30 years old and living at home again with my son because I couldn’t afford to be on my own. I felt like such a failure and said to myself,  ‘I will never again allow myself to be dependent on another for my mental or financial health.’ I knew I needed to make a change in my life and soon after, network marketing was introduced to me. I dove in and within 6 months was signing a lease to my very first apartment on my own. For two straight years I hustled NWM, on top of working my full time marketing position, and building my social media presence. Then the coffee era started.”

Let’s make COTD —“coffee of the day” — a thing.

“When reels became the new cool thing to do, I started making my coffees with voice overs from other funny creators and everyone seemed to love it because it literally blew up! I have an obsessive passion for glassware and started featuring some of my favorite Amazon glassware/home finds and it just became the thing a lot of people know me for today. I have to give a lot of the credit to reels for allowing me to grow to where I am now.”

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No one wants to be 21 again. 

"Fast forward to today, mom and dad are back together, we each were able to use those 3 years apart to reflect and grow into better versions of ourselves, and our story is honestly pretty cool. Our relationship is stronger than ever, and most importantly Dom (our son) tells us all the time how happy he is that we are together.  As of October, I quit my job and became a full time content creator and it has been exciting yet scary all at the same time, but I always remind myself of the quote, ‘if you want to grow, you need to step so far out of your comfort zone that you don’t know how to get back.’ Right now I'm just in the mindset of ‘there is no plan B’ and if I want it I have to give it my all. I am currently in the process of designing my own swimwear/lifestyle brand and 16 year old Ashley would be so proud. I have such an amazing, supportive and engaged community alongside of me and I have never been more excited for the future and finally having the opportunity to focus on everything that I am truly passionate about.”

Note to my younger self. 

“A lot of people ask me how I have such thick skin or how I’m so confident all the time, I grew up with a mom who was pretty cut and dry — like the kind of parenting style where they don’t pick you up when you fall, but rather teach you how to get back up and not depend on anyone else. Some might say its harsh or tough love but it's a lesson you don’t learn to appreciate until you are older. You can’t live your life to please everyone, imagine losing yourself in the process. YOU are your super power, always be true to who you are and the right people will be drawn to you. Master the art of turning setbacks into opportunities and live to impress yourself, not others.”

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