Embracing Entrepreneurial Spirit with Allison Kimball

Your resident curly maned, girl-next-door, Massachusetts born model, influencer, podcast host and author — Allison Kimball — is no stranger in working her creative magic and succeeding in any task she sets her mind to. Achieving her success with determination and ambition, coining herself as glowing, mindful and adventurous, this multi-talented artist never forgets her humble beginnings nor every experience and possibility that has graced her path. Thriving on an array of opportunities she has somehow always managed to remain true to herself.

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Spending most of her adult life in the fashion industry was not in model and entrepreneur, Allison Kimball’s, original plan. Kimball adores the great outdoors and never in her wildest dreams did she believe in the glitz and glamour that has become her life. Aside from the worldwide attention, this venture has brought the media host an incredible trailblazing career and she has immersed herself into every inch of what the industry has to offer. Open to providing her personal advice and experience to her devoted community, “life shouldn’t be taken all that seriously,” encourages Kimball, “and fulfillment isn’t that far out of our reach.” Admitting she was not the most "girly" girl during her pre-teen years, her exposure to the fashion industry further developed those traits in her life today. The more experience she gained and the more opportunities she received working with big productions that involved added luxuries — hair styling, makeup, and plenty of clothes available in the wardrobe — the model found a new love for fashion. “I got really involved after this and chased my dreams at 100% ever since. My journey in this industry has been so wonderful! I love being a model, and I love that my podcast has now allowed me to expand deeper into the media industry. As soon as I came up with the idea of a podcast, there wasn’t a doubt in my brain that this was right for me.”

With an infectious energy and a positive outlook, Kimball notes her one true meaning for fashion, which is “doing whatever the heck you want.” When it comes to her own wardrobe, the model describes her sense of style as casual, consisting of beachy, island themed pieces. “My favorite item of clothing to wear is definitely a bathing suit,” smiles the influencer as she runs her hand through her effortless curls. “My ideal outside look would be a bathing suit with some shorts and a tank. I love having a ‘surfer girl’ vibe, and that is definitely the style I am most comfortable in.” Further noting how her clothes keep her in a good mood, “I like clothes that make me happy and that I can picture myself making good memories in. So even with my outfits, I like to set myself up for success every day.” It is a refreshing way of thinking as we all can sometimes lose sight of the purpose and joys that clothing can bring to our lives.

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“life shouldn’t be taken all that seriously and fulfillment isn’t that far out of our reach.”

— Allison Kimball


More than ever, Kimball values comfortability in clothing, one of her favorite pieces being a pair of grey 1980s style pants that belonged to her mother, “which I stole,” admits the model with a grin. Wearing the pants on different occasions — whether in a warm or cool climate — dressed up or down, with heels and a stylish top or with a simple t-shirt and a pair of flip flops, evokes a comfy, relaxed vibe throughout the day. In similar suit to her effortless, laid-back style, Kimball aims to keep her usage of makeup to a minimal. “I like to keep it natural, so the less the better,” reveals the model. “Aquaphor for my lips and a full coverage spot concealer for small spots on my face.” However, if the occasion arises, Kimball vies for the hooded eye look over a bold lip, preferably a smokey eye perfectly paired with a natural gloss.

With an appetite for modeling and inspiring others, this influencer has recently taken on the role of podcast host, adding to her already impressive repertoire and further expanding her range as a creative within the media realm. Her podcast — The Spiked Kombucha Podcast —was something that took form organically. “One day, I got the idea that I could be a podcast host, then I just pursued it fully after that,” shares the model. “It is the perfect opportunity to share the parts of me that often get overlooked from photoshoots or social media in general. This allows me to expand my outlook and for people to really get to know me.” The abundance of inspiration for each episode can hit at any strange time and that keeps the organic energy flowing. “I never try and force an episode,” continues Kimball, “because I want it to flow as naturally as possible. I want everyone to feel how genuine and passionate I am about the topics being spoken about.” Since the start of her podcast, her following has expanded to great lengths and has allowed the model a space to speak with various inspirational guests along the way who all have the same motivation and passion for the chosen topics. As if that was not enough, we now have to add author into the mix. “My book will be released in early 2021,” reveals Kimball, “and it will hold all the missing pieces and small details I leave out in my podcast. They will fit together like a puzzle, and the rest will all make sense after reading it.”

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Even with the harsh expectations of the media and the fashion industry, Kimball feels “pretty rock-solid” in who she is. Always staying true to herself, she believes “expectations” are only difficult if you hold yourself to them. “Once you realize that the only way these expectations can get to you is if you succumb to them, life gets a lot easier when you don’t give yourself those labels and stressors,” states the model. To ensure this same positive energy is translated through her social media and throughout her career, Kimball holds it together by delivering strong determination and perseverance. She keeps herself motivated by following a healthy lifestyle inside and out, dedicated to being her best self, and makes a living encouraging the world to do the same. With a new generation of people entering the social media scene, Kimball is proud to see the industry evolving in a beautiful way. “I have witnessed so much more inclusion, diversity and acceptance over the past few years alone,” admires the model. “[My advice] is to be completely yourself, no matter what. Just because you aren’t accepted somewhere doesn’t mean you won’t be loved and cherished elsewhere.” 

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“I’ve learned that it is important to always look on the bright side of things, and always look to see what is positive in the current situations.”

With the current pandemic, it has been an emotional rollercoaster ride for everyone. But it has drawn us all to think outside of the proverbial box and reflect on how we can keep ourselves pro-active and progressive. “During quarantine, this time allowed me to immensely slow down and I was able to discover a lot more about myself and who I am as a person,” heartens Kimball. “I have learned to not label anything out of my control. If there is something that would frustrate me off the bat, I wouldn’t give it tons of energy. I would just accept what was at hand and move forward with the good things in front of me in the moment. I’ve learned that it is important to always look on the bright side of things, and always look to see what is positive in the current situations. I think I have become overall much more mindful and aware during quarantine.”

Patiently waiting to get back to traveling and exploring again, we can all likely agree that when things slightly return to normality, we will also be taking that ultimate holiday trip. The future looks bright for your favorite girl-next-door, Allison Kimball, as she has set out to achieve her goals and there is much more happening on the horizon than what meets the eye. There are no boundaries as to how Kimball operates as a model, a podcast host and a talented author, as she follows the beat of her own drum and embraces her passion and enthusiasm within her achievements. With greatness and gratitude, Kimball remains confident in her beliefs and values and will continue to exude a strong work ethic as a respected and dedicated creator, aiming to evolve and to reach for the stars, always.

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[My advice] is to be completely yourself, no matter what. Just because you aren’t accepted somewhere doesn’t mean you won’t be loved and cherished elsewhere.
— Allison Kimball

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