ISLAND Self-Care Tips for STRESSFUL Times

As humans we are no stranger to the chaos that everyday life can dish, but that doesn’t mean we have to give in to the emotional wreckage. For some it can be as simple as escaping to a warm, quiet island with just me, myself, and I. But for the times when visiting that island are just out of reach, we still have you covered. We may not be representing our country on the Miss Universe stage, but we will gladly take advice from a young former contestant confirming firsthand mindful practices brought overseas from her island country of Curaçao. That’s right, we are tapping the beautiful Gabriela dos Santos, a top 5 contestant from Miss Universe 2022, and at the time, only 20 years old — talk about pressure. Now two years later, Gabriela is dishing her 5 stress reducing techniques picked up from her hometown island and the stage. 

Life’s good, but island life is better.

Life on the island is exactly what you’d expect—free and peaceful. Living on the island of Curaçao has definitely influenced my approach to handling stress and embracing a more balanced lifestyle. Island life naturally encourages a slower pace and a deeper connection with nature, both of which have become integral to my daily routine. One of the practices I’ve picked up is the importance of taking time to disconnect and recharge. Whether it’s spending a day at the beach, going for a swim in the clear blue waters, or simply enjoying a sunset, being close to the ocean has a calming effect that instantly helps me reset.”

It’s “self-care o’clock” somewhere.

“Another practice is embracing the concept of island time. While it might be seen as a cliché, there’s truth to the idea of not rushing through life. I’ve learned to be more present and to savor moments instead of constantly focusing on what’s next.”

She’s beauty and she’s grace.  

"As an ambassador for your country, there’s an immense pressure to be perfect at all times — even though perfection is an unattainable standard. This pressure often comes from within, as we push ourselves to meet an ideal that doesn’t truly exist. Looking back, I realize that much of my anxiety and stress was self-imposed. I believed that if I knew better, I should do better, which led me to set extremely high expectations for myself. To manage these pressures, I turned to self-help books that fed my mind with positive and encouraging information.”


Life has its ups and downs — we call them squats. 

“Meditation and physical activities like long walks, kickboxing, and regular workouts are essential in helping me redirect my energy and focus away from stress.”

Be the Crown…

“Before competing in Miss Curaçao, I created a vision board outlining all the things I wanted to achieve during and after my journey. I’m proud to say that much of what I envisioned has manifested. Journaling also played a crucial role in my mental well-being. Writing down my thoughts and feelings regularly allowed me to ‘empty’ and organize my mind, providing clarity on where certain emotions were coming from. It became a form of self-therapy, helping me confront fears — whether it was the fear of not being good enough or the fear of failure."

“If I could offer advice to anyone dealing with anxiety, it would be this: Remember that no one has it all figured out. Success isn’t about being perfect from the start; it’s about taking small, consistent steps to challenge yourself and grow. Dedicate time to discovering who you truly are and living up to that person. Emotions are complex, but by taking the time to understand and appreciate them, you can navigate through challenges with greater resilience. Never neglect your inner world because unresolved emotions have a way of resurfacing if left unaddressed. In the end, it’s about embracing your journey with all its ups and downs, and understanding that perfection isn’t the goal — growth and self-discovery are. You hold the power to shape your own destiny. Stand firm in your beliefs, pursue your passions with relentless determination, and always make time for self-care and reflection.”


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