Tezza Tezza, Read All About It

She’s an internet sensation and modern day influencer, yes — but Tessa Barton, aka Tezza, is putting her own stamp on the industry as an entrepreneur and exquisitely dressed power house. From her trademark collage kit to her exclusive vintage frames to her array of capsule collections, InstaStyle hard cover, and her infamous the Tezza App, this is a woman who means business. 


Six feet tall and thriving in more than just the digital realm, creative director and entrepreneur, Tezza, has acquired quite the army, being authentically herself always: “creative, ambitious, and messy.” Beautifully towering in the room, for more than just her height, this flourishing influencer has had a love affair with fashion since her first teen year.  “Fashion has always been about expression for me,” began Tezza. “I have been six feet tall for as long as I remember. I often felt out of place and awkward, but I remember the first time I put together an outfit, I think I was thirteen or so, I finally felt like ME! I then got into photography soon after and it was like a perfect marriage. Being able to capture amazing clothing and create a story behind it through a photograph really sparked my passion to bring me to where I am now.” 

Originally a native of the nature-rich terrains of Utah, the media maven has spent the last few years in the concrete jungle, basking in the melting pot mecca that is New York City; but not even the city can contain her. “From the streets of Paris full of immaculate women who are perfectly pressed and chic, to Milan full of a lot of color and attitude, to Japan’s attention to detail and edgy flare, there is so much to see and take in,” beams the content creator. “I think the reason I love New York so much is because it really is a melting pot of what I see when I travel. Everyone is here form all over the world and it really allows you to be whoever you want to be.” A rockstar in the fashion world, and as it turns out in real life, the New Yorker can be seen playing in a band when not running her growing empire. “I still write and play music, but there is nothing like performing for thousands of people and pouring your heart out on a stage,” reminisces Tezza. “No matter how my style evolves I will always have a little rock-n-roll flare that I can’t get rid of. Living in NYC is probably the most inspiring place to live when it comes to fashion. Walking the streets you are constantly seeing amazing humans and feeling inspired by their confidence and fashion choices. I often see new trends or ideas that I bring into my looks when styling.”

Carving out an impressive career, we were eager to uncover her secret to success. Noting first the need to follow your idea and stick to it, a calling card — or motto if you will — is another must. “Early on I decided on a brand motto that I have stuck to, The Art of Life,” shares the entrepreneur. “In everything I do, everything I create, my overall goal is to inspire the inner creator in everyone, to see the beauty in the mundane, to give them the tools or inspiration to be the artist themselves and to achieve the art of life.” Open and candid about her own moments falling prey to the internet trap of condensed content and easy repeats, she realized early on that you will not last in this business if you are not authentic and true to yourself. “I have been doing this for over ten years and trust me,” begins Tezza with a wave of her perfectly accessorized hand, “I have tried being something I am not and it is not sustainable, it is not fun, and what is the point? I think we live in a time where people can see right through you if you aren’t actually being yourself. Don’t get me wrong, the pressure is real, but I am lucky to work with people who know me and love me and that is so great because I can lean on them when I need to and they keep me balanced.”

Recognized for her many successful ventures spinning off of the By Tezza brand, launching her own app is a feat not many would take on. “It’s definitely been a labor of love,” laughs the Tezza App founder. Offering to her followers and fellow content creators, the unique opportunity to elevate your iPhone photos and videos with a pop of fresh Tezza presets and simple editing tools, the Tezza App aims to help Insta-graphers establish the photography aesthetic tried and true by Tezza herself. “I studied photography in school and had been growing my following around my unique photography style and aesthetic. As an artist, it can sometimes feel like you’re giving up all of your secrets when you let people in on your life’s work. But years ago, someone taught me and I took that knowledge and grew it and passed it on to someone else who took that and did the same, so I was always open to helping other creatives as I truly feel it’s the best way to grow as an artist. In the boom of social media, I realized how difficult it was to find editing apps that really helped you curate and find your brand identity through photography, so my husband Cole and I set out to build an app. He built the entire first version of our app. It took over a year of late nights working after our other jobs testing different ideas and presets. Then finally one day we figured it out! It was magic, I’ll never forget it! Since then we have been able to support millions of artists and give them a platform to help support their creative journey, which is our biggest goal as a brand — to help others achieve the art of life. With close to 10 million downloads and an amazing community, the Tezza App is just getting started! We have lots of new video and editing features on the way. It’s an amazing space to be in and I feel so grateful to be in it.”

Generously offering the Tezza experience to her loyal community and more, her touch in the fashion world spans far past the digital screen and can be seen on the walls of your home and of course in your wardrobe. “We currently sell a home product, called the Collage kit,” shares Tezza, “which is curated images to turn your space into a work of art. But this year we are going to be working with not only other amazing artists, but also expanding into more art for your home, it’s going to be beautiful.” In addition to her coveted capsule collabs with brands like Aldo and Inspr, the influencer recently launched her limited edition accessories line, Tezza Eyewear, releasing vintage custom frames perfect to soak up the summer rays. “I think the perfect beginning and the perfect ending to any outfit is a pair of sunglasses,” says the content creator. “Accessories have always been my go-to when styling an outfit, so sunglasses were the perfect place to start.” Now on their second collection, “All of the frames are inspired by women in my life who have inspired me through their fashion sense or their expression in their art. To name a few in the collection… ‘The Patty’ are frames inspired by my iconic grandmother who was not only a musician, but a woman who wore sequins to the grocery store, who was strong and intelligent, and who I always hoped to be like. ‘The Stevie’ frames are inspired by my queen Stevie Nicks who changed my life forever through her music and rock-n-roll spirit.” According to Tezza, if you are going to invest in fashion, invest in accessories. “You can make anything into an outfit with a few good accessories.” Surely an exclusively by Tezza apparel collection is coming next? “My lips are sealed,” grinned the creative director. 


“Feel the fear and do it anyway.”

“I am six feet tall and unafraid to wear heels that make me the tallest person in the room.”

As our conversation with the style savvy content creator comes to a close, one thing is clear, this professional heavy hitter is far from slowing down. Allowing us a snapshot into her unconventional life, this self-made, hardworking woman is unapologetic for “My height!” she beams with pride. “I am six feet tall and unafraid to wear heels that make me the tallest person in the room.” Keeping it real on all accounts, Tezza left us with these words: “Feel the fear and do it anyway. Whatever is holding you back from doing what you love or following your dream, rememberer this. It is the one thing that has brought me to where I am today. Being unafraid to ask the questions, to be loud, to send the email, to make the call. You are in control and you can do it.” Do it she did, and as we heed her advice for bravely pursuing your desired path, she was gracious enough to also offer her passing words to the next entrepreneur: “Just start and don’t stop. The amount of ideas I had that have now turned into successful ventures began as failures. You have to stick to it even when it doesn’t succeed to your initial expectations. Success takes time and failing is a part of the process. Trust yourself, trust the process, and don’t give up.”


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