The REAL Power of Mind over Matter: How to Tackle your New Year's Resolutions with Robbi Jan

It is time to create our priority lists!


Photographer: Ben Cope


As we enter a new year, full of positive intentions and boundless possibilities, it is time to create our priority lists! Now for some this might mean landing that promotion you didn’t get last year or starting the newest diet trend to get back to that weight you were five years ago or actually making it to the gym four times a week like you’ve been saying you will do for months. But before you can get to checking off those (yes, important) resolutions, there is one thing that should be at the top of that list. Let's just say… the mind has a lot to do with it.

We can all admit that striving to reach our goals can at times be quite a challenge. We have our wide range of excuses, “there is not enough time in a day,” or “I will start tomorrow,” basically any excuse to take the easy way out. So how can we make this year different from the last? It begins with the pursuit to make our mental health a priority every day. Beginning your day with positive mental awareness just may be the trick you need to conquer your New Year Resolutions. If you are not sure where to begin, we have brought in passionate mental health and wellness advocate and Los Angeles based content creator — Robbi Jan — to share her best hacks to stay on mental track this year!

Robbi's Top 8 tips to Get (or Stay) on Track

Health starts in your mind.

“Often we get so consumed with taking care of our physical bodies that we neglect taking care of our mental health. The two are so intertwined: the body is a system, and that system can’t work to its highest ability if we are neglecting one area. Part of taking care of your mental health is learning to control your mind and your thoughts. DO start thinking about your body as a whole. DON’T compare yourself to others—it's a fast way to feel negative about yourself and that’s not okay.”

Identify the story you’re telling yourself.

“Living a healthier, happier version of your life starts with learning to identify your internal dialogue and the way you speak to yourself. This is the same for any industry you are in. So often we hold onto things — hurts, trauma, anger, fear — that hold us back, even if we don’t mean to. We all have traumas, and when we learn to control our attitudes and understand the story we are telling ourselves, then we can truly control our narrative, and that’s when we can turn our mess into our message. When you identify the story you are telling yourself, you are able to step back and see a situation much more clearly, which makes executing your goals easier and keeps you authentic to yourself.”

DON’T snooze your alarm.

“For me, having a healthy mindset starts in the morning. My best, happiest and most productive days are the days where I DON’T snooze my alarm, and instead of picking up my phone and mindlessly scrolling on Instagram or checking my emails for half an hour, I open the curtains. I let the sun in, I put on music and make the bed.”


Lists, lists, lists.

“Create lists for everything. This will help channel what you need to get done and will result in you being more organized, productive, less anxious, and more efficient. I sit down with my devotional, and that fills my spirit with encouragement. I then write a list of goals/tasks I need to achieve that day, so that way before I’ve even left my bedroom, I have a purpose.” 

Move your body.

“Move your body every single day, EVEN when you don't feel like it. Exercise can help stimulate parts of your brain that are unresponsive when you're sad or depressed. It also encourages the release of serotonin and boosts your mood! Now that things are opening again, I think it'll be great to change up all of our routines and start going to group fitness classes again. I don’t know about you, but working out at home by myself can be tough sometimes. Also, a reminder to not beat yourself up if you slip up. It’s okay to have a cheat meal or a rest day and not feel guilty about it.” 


The “Remove Rule.”

“Making a conscious effort every single day to remove one unneeded thing from your life — old food in the house, toxic relationships, anything in your life that doesn't bring any value — it clears your space and your mind.”

It’s the year of authenticity.

“It’s so important to be genuine and to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to be the same. I think positivity is key and being kind to others is so important too. What is the point of not being authentic? It only helps you in the long run. Part of building an audience is building their trust, and I truly value my followers’ trust and loyalty. I am also selective of who I am friends with. I think having a tight-knit circle around you is important for everyone —good friends who are honest and love you for you.”

STOP apologizing.

“I've learned over the last few years to stop apologizing for small things that are normal. So often as women, we get in the habit of apologizing for things that make us human and are totally normal. I've caught myself apologizing for looking tired or not wearing makeup, but I've realized we don't owe ANYONE an explanation OR an apology. Owning that we are human is what makes us unique and beautiful.”


Now it’s time to put these tips to work and use the power of the mind to keep you on track and check off those lists! If you are like us, daily reminders and motivational affirmations are a must when scrolling through Insta in the mornings so be sure to check out Robbi Jan’s social media platform (@robbijan) as she implements these daily habits to take on any adventures that head her way. Also be sure to check out her newest endeavor, the Miracle Mindset youtube series, that  she created to explore health, wellness and have conversations about real-life things. 

“For me, it’s a natural progression and I am going to focus all my efforts on that. The saying ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’ reminds me that it’s better to do one thing very well than lots of things not very well. I will be posting health, wellness, and personal development content, as well as fun vlogs along the way!” From the final words of Robbi Jan —  “Thank you for taking the time to read this! Love you all so much! Welcome to the Jan fam! Xx”


Photographer: Ben Cope


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All Content: An interview with Stefanie Gurzanski