Expect the Least Expected

For the British model — Sarah Lysander — professional experience was more than just something she could add to her portfolio. It meant witnessing firsthand the gap in the fashion industry and creating a new narrative.

BODE Magazine, Sarah Lysander, Lauren Ashley Steptoe.jpg

For twenty-four-year-old Sarah Lysander, modeling has been more than just an exciting career in front of the camera. While traveling, attending events, and wearing designs created by some of the top labels in the fashion circuit has become a part of her daily life, it has also come with a lot of uncertainty. “I had to learn a lot of stuff about the modeling industry by myself. There is so much that people don’t tell you and most things you figure out on your own.” Fortunately, growing up in North London meant being surrounded by opportunity — “[it] allowed me to focus on whatever I wanted, from acting to being a full-time model whilst still having the benefit of living close to the family” — but having so many options meant having to decide what direction to take. “I couldn’t devote as much time to acting as I wished to, because of my modeling career, on which I then decided to focus,” shared Sarah.

BODE Magazine, Sarah Lysander, Lauren Ashley Steptoe.jpg
BODE Magazine, Sarah Lysander, Lauren Ashley Steptoe.jpg
BODE Magazine, Sarah Lysander, Lauren Ashley Steptoe.jpg

London is known for being one of the fashion capitals of the world. From the annual London Fashion Week to the everyday eclectic street styles on the people passing by, it has a major influence. You would think wearing outfits on runways and in front of cameras would inspire someone’s style, but Sarah tends to stick to her tomboy roots. “As a kid, I tried to look like the boys in the skate park. I love oversized t-shirts and jumpers and sneakers. My go-to outfit is a pair of black jeans, cowboy boots and a band T-shirt with a biker jacket.” Fashion as a form of self-expression is not a new concept and with so many brands available, it would seem like there is no possibility for original ideas. That is where experience came into play for Sarah, “As a model, I have tried on more swimwear than most girls have had hot dinners. And I soon realized that there was a gap in the [UK] market for a fun and sexy swimwear brand!” To buy a swimsuit internationally, you have the retail price - which can be a tad expensive at times - shipping costs and custom taxes which can turn potential customers away.

“If you have something to do, do it today, not tomorrow.” This piece of advice stuck with Sarah and when the opportunity presented itself, she took the leap and Lysander Swim was born. The brand launched in April of 2019 and is featuring her first set of bikinis. The styles are reflective of her style. Simple, earthy colors and patterns with the cuts and shapes adding a sexy edge. “I am in the process of designing my next bikini styles. I get inspired by women I’m surrounded by, [and] I’m always listening to my friends talking about what they love in regards to fashion, and I am trying to reflect that onto swimwear.”

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BODE Magazine, Sarah Lysander, Lauren Ashley Steptoe.jpg

While being a true native Londoner and very much “attached to [her] city,” Sarah does enjoy traveling, hunting for vintage treasures and gaining inspiration from all around the world when she is not on bookings. But how does someone run a business with such a hectic schedule? “Due to the modeling industry being very last minute and irregular, I don’t have a set routine,” Sarah explained. “Handling a small business and modeling goes well hand in hand, as I can run a company from wherever I want. I can communicate with people on the go, whether it’s on my way to work or during my lunch breaks. Whenever I have a flight or a train journey, I spend the time doodling designs on my iPad.” Creating a work-life balance has its challenges, and staying healthy and in-shape is just one of the many pieces of that puzzle. “[I go to] the gym at least three times a week, and having a dog helps a lot, as it ensures that you have to go on long walks every day. Some days are more exciting than others, but every day is different.”

So what advice does this model turned entrepreneur have for those with a dream that could seem out of reach? “If you stick to your values and work hard, you will get there…eventually. I try my best to stay true to who I am, what I like and what I want to portray. Nurture your true passion, whether you dream of starting a brand or learning the language of a country you want to live in one day. Start now. Do it today. Not tomorrow.”

BODE Magazine, Sarah Lysander, Lauren Ashley Steptoe.jpg


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