February 2022 Editor's Letter

The Month and year of the Angel Numbers.


When I think of February, I can’t help but to think of the Angel Numbers — 222. In numerology, angel numbers are a repetitive sequence of three or four numbers that appear in seemingly random places in your life to convey a spiritual or divine message. For those that are new to angel numbers, 222 has been said to represent a creator’s omnipresence. Even more, it is a message of hope, representative of balance, life choices and commitment. To me, that acts as a sign that you can build on your current situation to achieve your goals and to allow the reality of a dream to manifest.

This year, so far has been all about rebranding and following the new direction I am being led.  Writing this letter, in the month of 2/22, I see it as a sign that I am on the right path. Given that we always seek stillness and stability, my life goals and decisions are always in pursuit of full alignment. To spend essentially all moments of everyday in a state of almost full contentment and happiness. And while that is a feat in itself, as life is often full of flaws and misdirection, it is helpful to have that focus and drive led by the idea of an almost kismet force. Manifestation and angel numbers are not a new thing by any means, but the 20s of today sure has brought the concept into a heightened focus and for that I am grateful. It has opened my mindset that while I believe in fate and destiny, my life is still in my hands. That means that right now, we are in the right place, at the right time.

It has opened my mindset that while I believe in fate and destiny, my life is still in my hands.

Trust that you are on the right path and that everything is working out the way it is supposed to, even if you do not see it yet. Keep an eye on those angel numbers, they may just push you further towards you inner most direction. 

— Heather Marie


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