How to own your Boss B**** Energy with Salice Rose

Get out of your own way!


Oftentimes it is easier to focus on the reasons why we think we can’t reach our highest dreams, those dreams that feel like reaching for the stars. Let’s call it our fight-or-flight response, using excuses and constant comparison to keep those goals nothing more than just a list on paper. So what, or who, is actually keeping you from achieving those dreams? 

It is no secret that it takes very little effort to succumb to self-doubt or to surrender to that mentality and essentially give up before you even begin. Obviously this is not something we knowingly aim to do, but regardless it is something we have to improve on everyday. Waking up with the intention to adjust your mindset to believe that you can slay and make anything happen for yourself, is the ultimate goal.

And a little motivational assistance never hurts, so we have brought in multi-faceted and talented content creator and overall queen of owning her Boss Bitch energy, Salice Rose, to share how she made it happen and is making her empire a reality.




Who runs the world? YOU! 

“First, believe you can do it. I’m a firm believer that whatever you think and say will happen. It is definitely a mindset. People can give you advice all day, or you can read motivational quotes, but you have to know you are capable of reaching that goal and do what you need to do to make it happen. That is why I make goals for myself every single day, and they always happen.” 

Love what you do, never work a day. 

“Wake up with a drive that makes you want something more regardless of what anyone else thinks. I don’t always wake up with motivation. I am human and I go through my own personal things people may not know about, but ultimately, if you love what you do, you’ll never have to work a day in your life. I’m a firm believer of that. I don’t even like calling it a job because it is my career, my livelihood, my passion, and even with its ups and downs, I love what I do.” 

Your 4am wake-up call. 

“Believe it or not, I wake up at 4:30am, get ready and am at the gym by 5. I’m there for an hour or two. Then I go home and get ready to create content and film until I can't film anymore. I literally dedicate my entire day, my entire life to my craft. So my days really do look quite similar because I’m on a mission to create my empire, not only for myself, but for my family and create a legacy. So yes, I post a lot and, in doing that, it makes me happy. Hopefully, it makes others happy as well which results in more exposure, so it’s a win-win for everybody.”

You’re the boss. 

“At the end of the day, no one can tell you how many videos to make, or no one can force you to put up content. You have to create a routine and a work ethic for yourself. My work ethic is insane. Working is my passion so I’m never not working. Even when I’m with my family, I’ll be recording a video. If you know me on a personal level, you know that even when the cameras are off I’ll still be working.”

What you see is what you get.

“Just be yourself. I know it sounds cliché, but in trying to be like someone else you lose what’s special about you. I've always stayed true to myself. I do love hard and I care about people, but I will always stay true to who I am. Although it can sometimes be hard to make content and comedy skits nowadays since society can be quick to react and judge you, I think remaining myself has been the easiest thing I’ve ever done because I love who I am. This is why I am where I am. It’s because I’ve never pretended to be something I’m not, or a copy of anyone else on social media. Don’t change to be accepted. People who love you will always love you. Those who don’t, well, their loss.”

Keep your friends close.

“Happiness also comes from who you surround yourself with. My journey has been nothing short of amazing. It has been a little rough here and there because as you get bigger in the industry and gain more recognition, you will encounter a lot of negative or self-seeking people who just want to use you for an opportunity. That’s why when you get bigger in this industry, you have to make sure you know what kind of people you are surrounding yourself with, but if you know how to balance that it can be a really, really fun job.”

Never Lose. Either you win or you learn.

“Believe in your own potential. Don’t settle. If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. And never give up. It’s all about consistency. When you feel defeated or like everything is against you, at that moment, just push through it to get to where you want to be. Push through and remember why you started. They say the minute you want to give up is usually the minute right before you make it.”

Find balance. No matter how small.

“I don't know about other people, but I can't remember the last time I ‘unplugged’ and actually just sat down and hung out. I should learn how to do that because even when I’m on vacation, I’ll be working. The few things I do to keep a balance is not check my phone when I wake up until after I go to the gym. I have the morning to myself without any social media. But within loving what I do, I couldn’t imagine not working for one day. I’m super grateful and blessed every day to have this opportunity.” 


“Every day I just want to be better than I was the day before. I envision myself to be acting and being a huge global artist, continuously evolving, being more successful, coming out with an album, and aligning with the right people if God blesses me with that. You have to just live your life for yourself. At the end of the day, it’s your world. We’re all just living in it, you know?”

— Salice Rose

Consider this your sign to get out of your own way and embrace your own Boss Bitch energy. Acknowledge that you can make it happen and you are capable of living your best life.


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