WINONA Australia Turns It Up a Notch

This season’s best accessory is anything WINONA, and at the heart of this Aussie, is the ultimate WINONA girl.

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WINONA Australia Britannia Long Sleeve Dress, $129*

*currencies converted from Australian Dollar to US Dollar.

Celebrating femininity and the strong modern-day woman, founder Alyssa Lani Winona Mobbs talks chic bikinis, playful prints and how to acquire that coveted Aussie, laid-back mystique.

A quintessential Aussie girl raised in the coastal town of Kingscliff, Australia, Alyssa spent her childhood between the holiday house feels off the beach and the rose gardened murals of the countryside. “Even though I now reside in Australia’s biggest city, I am only minutes away from the beach as I can’t go too long without breathing in some fresh, salty ocean breeze,” grinned the swimwear savant.

A longtime hand in the fashion industry, Alyssa views her career as a way of life, the essence of who she is. “I saw a gap in the market and backed myself on the faith that there was a place for my vision to be brought to life. I felt that it was important to design with integrity. I wanted to create a brand that was accessible to everyone yet has the look and feel of a luxury International brand,” revealed the female designer. “I am proud to be part of the Lady start-up movement taking place, and especially proud seeing this happen in formerly male-dominated industries.”

At the early age of sixteen, the creative director began crafting her own clothes to satisfy her creative cravings due to the boredom and lack of innovative apparel in chain store offerings. “It was a definitive moment that essentially planted the seed and has continued blossoming into what has now become WINONA,” noted Alyssa. “The foundation of the brand is built around the WINONA girl. She doesn’t take herself too seriously and her quick wit will have you in laughter, whether it is at her own expense or at the musings of life.  She inspires you to be the best version of yourself and reminds you that that version, is exquisitely unique.”

WINONA Australia Victoria Bow Copper, $259*; Bricklane Jacket; Lynx Jumpsuit, $181*

*currencies converted from Australia Dollar to US Dollar

 An infectious smile, a thought-provoking and inspiring beauty with an abundant heart and a positive outlook on life - this label symbolizes the WINONA girl style as much more than a beautiful dress. “WINONA embodies different elements of my creative vision, all of which are intended to stimulate a multifaceted sensory experience,” exposed Alyssa. Inspired by anything and everything, the girl boss is drawn to virtual time travel and is always creatively inspired by vintage treasure hunts. “My vision board looks like an artistic version of a mad mathematician’s impossible equation,” laughed Alyssa. “Like many art forms, I see fashion as a mode of storytelling and behind each design is a memory and tale of its own.”

Always advocating the authenticity of one’s own style, the tastemaker advises everyone to “be-you-tiful! You can’t go wrong with style, you are limited only by your imagination.  The rule of fashion is that there are no rules.” Powerless to the allure of versatility and the ability to adapt certain apparel pieces and sets according to your day to day mood, Alyssa’s go-to fashion movement is the mix-and-match approach allowing you multiple options from singular pieces; “and that’s what style should be,” shared the designer, “a functional, fluid process that you can vary to suit your needs.”

Like most of us summer loving and sun-kissed enthusiasts, Alyssa is not alone in her quest for the eternal summer. So we inquired the coastline elitist for her go-to destination to bask in the summer rays. “Depending on which hemisphere is in the height of summer is where I’m in my absolute element. Specific spots that trigger dreamy summer memories are: Croatia, which is so very close to my heart, Palm Springs for its earthy desert vibes and of course beachside in Australia which is where I feel truly grounded and connected to a sense of home,” reminisced the swimwear maven.

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WINONA Australia Broadway Silver Short Dress, $249*; Monarch Jacket

*currencies converted from Australian Dollar to US Dollar


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